A Community That Helps Each Other

Client Story - Sparrow - REST Connection

Let me introduce you to Sparrow (name changed to protect identity). I first spoke with Sparrow back in April of 2024. She was referred to REST Connection from a domestic violence shelter in Philadelphia. I was new to REST Connection, and she was the first call I took. I will never forget her introduction… “Hello Kathy, my name is Sparrow, and I am a domestic abuse survivor!” She spoke it quite confidently. She told me of her situation and desperate need for housing. She fled domestic abuse with her kids and moved to New Hope and resided with a friend until the friend had to move, leaving them homeless.

She desired to stay in the area due to her job location, and now the kids’ school and new friends. But, through no lack of searching and exhausting her resources, she made the difficult decision to take her kids back to NY state and get them settled with family while she continued to work here in PA and try to secure housing locally.

After getting her kids settled and returning to the area for work, she called RC again. We talked about all the resources she had reached out to, to no avail, telling me that even the shelters had a 6-month wait. I could hear in her voice that this struggle was taking its toll on her and she was weary. She shared with me how something I said inspired her not to give up the first time we talked. She said that of the many places she had contacted for help, she spoke to people who seemed uninterested or too busy to be bothered to treat her with the compassion or kindness everyone deserves, regardless of their situation. She said her conversation with REST Connection was different. Although unable to help her with immediate housing, we took the time to listen and strategize with her about possible solutions. That’s all she needed to find hope, and she found it in our conversation.

She now drives a bus in the summer taking kids to camp and needs to be well rested. She began pleading with me to help her find a place to rest her head that night, or at the very least, a safe place to park and sleep. I shared the name of a church in New Hope I thought could help her with food, a place to shower, or a night or two in a hotel. Rather than calling, she drove to that church and walked into the church office. She was sent in to talk to the priest. She told him of her situation and her needs. Unfortunately, he told her they couldn’t help her and that she should go to the fire department to find a place to shower. As she left, feeling defeated and fighting back tears, she had her hand over her mouth to not allow the wail of sadness that was now bubbling to the surface. As she stepped out the church door, her sadness and feelings of defeat erupted. She got to her car and drove to the fire station, which sent her to the police station, which sent her back to the fire station. It was then that she texted me… nobody will help me. I was in disbelief, so I texted her and encouraged her to return to the church parking lot, and if it had lights, to park there for the night unless somebody told her she had to leave. She did return, at which time I called her. As we spoke, she saw the priest leaving for the day, walking directly past her car. She told me she was embarrassed and turned away to avoid eye contact. As he drove away, he phoned her, saying he was making some calls to local hotels to see if he could get her a room. He couldn’t promise her anything because it was a holiday week (4th of July).

She got back on the phone with me, and I asked her to pray with me about her situation. As we prayed, the priest returned, walked over to her car, handed her an address for a local hotel, and told her he paid for 3 nights. In that moment, the tears and the joy began to flow forth as we just witnessed God honoring her effort and answering our prayers of protection and provision over his Sparrow. Sparrow kept saying… did you see what God just did while we were praying for a miracle?

God was clearly working in the heart of the priest that day. He was also using REST Connection to walk with Sparrow through that seemingly unimaginable sorrow and fear of being homeless. We didn’t have all of the answers, but we knew the one who did.

We encounter stories like this weekly. They are heart-wrenching. We at REST Connection do the best we can for women every day. Some need housing, some need car repairs, but all need an empathetic ear to listen and help them realize that there is always hope.

If Sparrow’s story resonates with you, we would you love your help with our mission.

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