Here at REST Connection, we strive to help vulnerable and at-risk women to empower them to achieve social and economic independence. The opportunity has arisen for REST Connection to secure a property to provide shelter for these vulnerable women which will alleviate their immediate housing challenge while working toward stability and independence, the REST Nest.
Oftentimes, wait lines for homes for at-risk women are long, leaving women with few housing options. Unless they are able to find a bed at one of the very few homeless shelters, they find themselves couch surfing between the homes of friends or extended family. Or worse, with nowhere to go, they find themselves facing the reality of homelessness.
We now have the perfect opportunity to provide a solution through “The REST Nest Project”. While living in The REST Nest, women will be able to have a safe and quiet place to live, regroup and grow, and will set the stage for securing sustainable physical, emotional, spiritual and financial health. In order to move forward with The REST Nest Project we will need the help and support of our community.
If you or someone you know would be interested in joining The REST Nest Project here are some ways you could get involved.
How You Can Help the REST Nest
First, we would love and welcome all prayers over our program, home, and the volunteers that help make REST Connection happen. Our goals are big. We know that with God’s help and guidance, we can reach the people we are meant to.
Second, we would appreciate financial support from you. In order to take advantage of this opportunity we need to raise $30,000. With the help of our community we know it is obtainable. We would love for you to join us. To support us financially simply click here. Every small amount will make a big difference. And the lives changed by these donations will live out for generations to come. We invite you to come alongside us to help create these new legacies!
Third, we need skilled workers to help with renovations. Your time would be put to use with updating the home and refurbishing the rooms to make women feel safe in a home where they can heal and grow. Anyone who has construction or painting skills can contact us via email at [email protected] or by calling us at 267-221-1675.
Last, please like and share our Facebook Page. We would love for you to follow us and see how things are going. Over the next few weeks, we will be posting about The REST Nest Project. So please make sure to stay tuned.
We thank each and every one of you for helping make this dream a reality for our REST Connection women!