As we enter into the new year and look forward to new goals, we must remember that we also need to schedule in rest. You may think that you don’t qualify. But we all need rest. Those who need rest are everywhere.
But I Have So Much To Do
We all have so much to do. However, we should not be too busy to take time to rest. There are numerous ways to rest, which we will discuss in our future posts.
Did you know that we are more likely to get things done if we take one day out of seven to take a break? It’s almost as if God knew what we needed. He told the Israelites to only work six days and take the seventh day off. More so, if we work for 12 days then take 2 days off, we are actually less likely to be productive.
The moral? Take at least one day to REST every week. And that doesn’t mean, work like crazy for six days, then run around doing all the errands on the seventh day. Truly rest. Sleep in. Stay in jammies all day long. Binge watch your favorite Netflix show. Or whatever you enjoy.
Those Who Need Rest
Some seasons of life require more rest than others. Dealing with the stresses that result from broken relationships, financial pressures, physical illness, loss of job, forced relocation and any other major life change will take a toll on our bodies.
Sometimes these situations leave us so broken, we don’t know the next direction to turn. The idea of feeding ourselves is challenging. Making decisions about a thousand little things creates stress we didn’t even know could exist. We must give ourselves grace during these times, more than normal.
Grace over Shame
We often want to (and believe we can) do it all. And when we can’t, we feel shame. But life shouldn’t feel like that. What expectations do we give ourselves? Yes, there can be a fine line where we aren’t doing enough and when we actually need to consider downtime. Life is learning to grant yourself the grace you probably already grant to others.
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Stay tuned for our next blog post to read ideas of how to REST in a healthy way.