Women Empowering Women

Client Story - "Dee" - REST Connection

Dee’s journey has not been easy. Over the past 2 1/2 years, many storms have threatened to knock her off her feet, yet she stood. And, the Rest Connection community had the privilege of standing with her. While engaging in the REST Connection Mentorship program Dee found hope and a vision for her future. Despite the challenges and setbacks, she has kept her eye on the goal.

If you were to encounter Dee today, you would see the light in her eyes and hear her playful laughter, you could not imagine the darkness of the road that she has traveled. For those of us who have walked in the darkness with her… when we see her now… there is no greater joy!

At REST Connection we are privileged to walk beside women every day who are lost in a sea of pain and confusion. Our programs, services, and professional partnerships work together to plug the holes in their boat. We help them stay afloat while they identify and repair the damage caused by the storms of life. We support them while they regain their bearings and set a course for the life they want to live. And we help them like we’ve helped Dee, to navigate their journey around and through obstacles so they stay on course toward their desired destination.

“Do you want to change the world? Be the wind in someone else’s sails today.”

To discover how you can be a part of the REST Connection Community go to restconnection.org/get-involved or call us at 267-261-1675.